Puraskar Yojna
1. Extension Programme
Hinditar Bhashi Hindi Lekhak Puraskar Yojana (Scheme Of Award Of Prizes To Hindi Writers)
The Government of India launched 'Hinditar Bhashi Hindi Lekhak Puraskar Yojna' during the Third Five Year Plan period with a view to encourage Hindi Writers of non-Hindi-speaking areas. At present, there is a provision of 19 awards of the value of Rs. one lakh each every year under this scheme.
2. Scope:-
The following categories of work shall be considered for awards:-
- Creative Literature:- This will cover high-quality, original and thought-provoking works pertaining to fiction, drama, memories, travelogues, essays, poetry and criticism.
- Subjects other than Literature:- Books pertaining to regional culture, fine arts, humanities, science and technology and social sciences shall also be entertained.
- Hindi translations of standard works of Indian languages shall be covered by the scheme.
Note:- The entries falling under category (C) above shall be considered only when a sufficient number of entries falling under categories (A) and (B) above are not received.
Thesis or dissertations shall not be considered under the scheme.
3. Eligibility:-
- Authors whose mother tongue is any Indian language other than Hindi and who have been residing in any non-Hindi-speaking state/ union territory such as Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Orissa, Karnataka, Kerala, Gujarat, Goa, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab etc. are eligible to send their entries under the scheme.
- The works of such authors shall not be considered under the scheme who have resided in any Hindi-speaking state/ Union territory for 15 or more than 15 years at any time or are still residing there.
4. Rules:-
- Only those books shall be considered under this scheme which have been published during the last 5 years. For example, for considering awards for the year 2018 only those books published in the years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 shall be eligible for consideration.
- The books sent for award should invariably consist of a minimum of 100 pages each.
- Manuscripts (handwritten/ typed) shall not be entertained under the scheme.
- The authors, once awarded under this scheme shall not be reconsidered for award.
- The officers and employees of the Central Hindi directorate or their dependents shall not be eligible under the scheme.
- Any book awarded by the Central Government or its undertakings/ institutions, State Governments or professional institutions/ organizations shall not be entertained.
- It is indispensable for applicants to submit 5 copies of the book for award under the scheme.
- The portion of the book displaying the name of the author and that of the publisher should be removed from three out of the 5 copies and must be rebounded before sending to the Directorate. The remaining 2 copies should be sent as they are.
- Books received under the scheme (awarded/ unawarded) shall not be returned.
- Five copies of the book alongwith the duly filled proforma may be submitted to the Director, Central Hindi Directorate, West Block No. 7, R. K. Puram, New Delhi- 110066 within the time-limit.
- All columns of the proforma must be completely filled in and all the necessary material, papers, certificates etc. must be enclosed with it. It may be noted that no consideration will be given to incomplete applications in any form neither any correspondence will be entertained with authors, in this regard.
5. Procedure for inviting entries:
Under the scheme the entries shall be invited by way of advertisement through DAVP to be published in various newspapers of Hindi, English and regional languages and also through the electronic media (Radio, Television). Sahitya Academy, Bharatiya Jnanpeeth as well as the authors awarded by these institutions shall be requested to send entries of suitable persons under the scheme. The details of the scheme shall be available on the website of the directorate. Simultaneously, various Hindi Granth Academies, Universities and reputed non-governmental voluntary organizations located in various states will also be informed about the scheme so that the maximum number of high-quality books may be obtained. Advertisements shall also be published as information in the magazines to be purchased by the Directorate.
6. Selection Process :-
Under the scheme the selection process will be formalized in three stages. With a view to maintain transparency in the scheme The Directorate will prepare a comprehensive list of Hindi scholars belonging to different languages which will help to constitute the Selection committee. Scholars, other than the key list may also be nominated to the Selection Committee.
N.B.:- The decision of high level committee will be final names in above-cited three committees will not be repeated.
- First Stage:- At the first stage books received for awards shall be assessed at a glance. The responsibility for this assessment will lie with the assessment committee of the first stage. As per the requirement approximately ten Hindi Scholars of various Indian languages shall be included in this committee. In case the committee feels that entries of quality books published during the years under consideration have not been received, it is free to recommend their inclusion. The authors of such recommended books shall be sent the proforma and the declaration form by the Directorate so that they may also be able to participate in the scheme as per rules. The committee men if will select the
- Second Stage:- During the Second stage every book selected by the first stage assessment committee will be sent to three Hindi scholars for written evaluation. This evaluation will be carried out on the basis of subject matter, language and style of the book. The experts will submit their analytical comments as well as categorizing it as outstanding, very good, good, average or below average on an evaluation form, which will be supplied to them by CHD.
- Third Stage:- The final decision on awards will be made by a five-member high-level selection committee constituted for the purpose. This committee will select books for nineteen awards on the basis of written evaluation made by the second stage evaluation committee.
7. Declaration of Result:-
The Notification of awarded books alongwith the names of their authors will be uploaded on the website of CHD. English and regional languages. The awardees shall also be informed separately about the decision on awards.
8. Last Date of Submission:-
Entries under the scheme may be submitted to the Director, Central Hindi Directorate, West Block No. 7, R. K. Puram, New Delhi- 110066 alognwith five copies of the book, filled proforma and the declaration form with in 60 days of the publication of adver the every year.
Note:- The proforma and the declaration form are placed at Annexure I and II respectively.
Hinditar bhashi hindi purushkar yojna