FAQs Correspondence Courses
- Certificate Course in Hindi
- Diploma Course in Hindi
- Advance Diploma in Hindi
- Civil Services Hindi Course
- Prabodh, Praveen and Pragya Courses
- Certificate Course in Hindi (English, Tamil, Bangla and Malayalam Medium)
- Diploma Course in Hindi (English, Tamil, Bangla and Malayalam Medium)
- Advance Diploma in Hindi (Hindi Medium)
- Civil Services Hindi Course (English Medium)
- Prabodh, Praveen and Pragya Courses (English Medium)
Each of these courses is of one year duration and commences from 1st July every year. The admission starts from 1st June onwards. The examinations is to be held during the month of May every year.
Each of the courses is of one year duration and commences from 1st January every year. The admission starts from 1st December onwards.
The course is of one year duration and commences from 1st January every year. The admission starts from 1st December onwards.
The course is open to all Indians and Foreigners residing in India or abroad whose mother tongue is other than Hindi and who have attained minimum 10 years of age. Further, NRIs are eligible irrespective of their mother tongue.
The candidate should have adequate knowledge of English/Tamil/Malayalam/Bangla so as to understand the lessons and study material provided in the opted medium.
The course is open to all Indians and Foreigners residing in India or abroad whose mother tongue is other than Hindi and who have attained minimum 10 years of age. Further, NRIs are eligible irrespective of their mother tongue.
The candidate should have adequate knowledge of English/Tamil/Malayalam/Bangla so as to understand the lessons and study material provided in the opted medium.
The candidate should have passed the Certificate Course of Hindi of CHD or Praveen examination of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Dept. of official Languages or Furnished a declaration in this regard that he possess knowledge of Hindi at this level.
The course is open to all Indians and Foreigners residing in India or abroad whose mother tongue is other than Hindi and who have attained minimum 15 years of age. Further, NRIs are eligible irrespective of their mother tongue.
The candidate should have passed either Diploma Course in Hindi of CHD or 10th standard with Hindi as a subject from any recognized Institution in India or should posess equivalent qualification.
The aspirants of Civil Services Course hailing from North Eastern States, whose mother tongue is not included in the 8th schedule of Indian Constitution and intend to opt for Hindi under compulsory language paper in the Civil Service Examination conducted by the UPSC are eligible for admission. No fee is charged for this course.
Admission to these courses are open to the following categories of employees (i) who are posted at places where classroom teaching facilities under the Hindi Teaching Scheme do not exist or are not accessible.
- Operational Staff whose nature of work or duty hours do not permit them to attend the Hindi classes run at various places by the M/o Home Affairs.
- Those Sr. Class-I and Class-II officers who cannot spare the time for regular classes due to their busy office schedule.The
The following fee will be payable by the candidate for the prescribed course at the time of admission. This includes admission, tuition and examination fees.
- | Certificate Course | Diploma Course | Advance Diploma |
Candidates Residing in India | Rs.50/- | Rs.50/- | Rs.200/- |
Candidates Residing Abroad | US $ 50/- or Equivalent | US $ 50/- or Equivalent | US $ 200/-or Equivalent |
The following fee will be payable by the candidate for the prescribed course at the time of admission. This includes admission and tuition fee.
Prabodh Course | Praveen Course | Pragya Course |
Rs.50/- | Rs.50/- | Rs.50/- |
No fee is charged for this course.
No, there is no separate examination fee. Full fee are included in the admission fee.
No, this is purely a non-credit course; no examination is conducted in this regard.
Yes, there is a prescribed form which can be downloaded from www.chdpublication.mhrd.gov.in
Yes, the Performa can be downloaded from www.chdpublication.mhrd.gov.in
Yes, the Performa can be downloaded from www.chdpublication.mhrd.gov.in
Payment should be made either by crossed Indian Postal Order or Bank Draft drawn in favour of the Director, Central Hindi Directorate, payable at New Delhi. The candidates residing abroad may make the payment through Bank Draft drawn on any authorized Bank in India.
In case an applicant residing abroad finds it difficult to remit fees in hard currency on account of local foreign exchange restriction, he/ she is advised to deposit the fees in equivalent local currency with the Indian Mission/Embassy in the country where the candidate is residing and send us the receipt in original along with the application form.
Payment should be made either by crossed Indian Postal Order or Bank Draft drawn in favour of the Director, Central Hindi Directorate, payable at New Delhi.
No, the fee is not refundable.
The examinations of Certificate/Diploma/Advance Diploma Courses are conducted in the month of May of subsequent year.
The examinations of Prabodh/Praveen/Pragya are held in November every year.
The students are supposed to submit the Response sheets at regular intervals preferably one in every fortnight.
Yes, the internal assessment marks are added to produce the final result.
Yes, the response sheets should be submitted to the Directorate for evaluation.
There are two written papers designed for Certificate course examination.
There are two written papers designed for the Diploma course examination.
There are four written papers designed for the Advance Diploma course examination.
NEW DELHI-110066
The candidates residing abroad can make the payment through Bank Draft drawn in favour of The Director, CHD, payable at New Delhi on any authorized Bank in India.
In case an applicant residing abroad finds it difficult to remit fees in hard currency on account of local foreign exchange restriction, is advised to deposit the fees in equivalent local currency with the Indian Mission/Embassy in the country where the candidate is residing and send us the receipt in original.
Yes, Personal Contact Programmes are conducted as for as possible at different places for about a week, keeping in view the number of students at a particular place.
Any change in address for longer than a period of three months, should at once be communicated to this office.
No, these courses are aimed only for the Central Govt. Employees, Teachers of Kendriya Vidyalayas, Employees of Statutory Bodies and Public Undertakings etc.
Yes, these courses are identical to the courses run by HTS, M/o Home Affairs and are based on the same syllabus.
The Certificate Course in Hindi is equivalent to Hindi as a second-language at 8th standard level.
The Diploma Course in Hindi is equivalent to the Hindi as a second -language at 10th standard level.
The Advance Diploma Course in Hindi is equivalent to Hindi as a second language at 12th standard level.
The Prabodh Course is equivalent to Hindi as a second language at 5th standard level.
The Praveen Course is equivalent to Hindi as a second language at 8th standard level.
The Pragya Course is equivalent to Hindi as a second language at 10th standard level.
The payments made through IPOs and Bank Drafts are accepted.
Fees sent through money orders or cheques will not be accepted.
Study materials containing regular lessons, response sheets and ancillary literature will be dispatched to the enrolled students, at their correspondence address. The response sheets contain questions, exercises and practice material which are required to be attempted by the students and be returned to the Directorate for evaluation. On receipt, the response sheets will be evaluated at the Directorate and returned to the student with necessary instructions, comments and guide notes.
Yes, the submission of Response sheets is mandatory for passing the course. The marks, awarded to the response sheets are counted as the internal assessment of marks, while computing the final result.