Dictionaries Of Neighboring Countries
In order to have cordial and friendly relations with our neighboring countries and also to exchange views, this Directorate has published/is publishing following dictionaries:
Hindi Based Dictionary
1) Hindi - Burmese dictionary:
Hindi- Burmese dictionary contains approximately 5000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Burmese Transliteration of Hindi words. 4. Burmese equivalents of Hindi words. 5.Devanagari Transliteration of Burmese Equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages in to another's script will enable the user of this dictionary to understand their approximate pronunciation. Price: 530/-, $ 11.00, £ 29.15, Pages 400
2) Hindi - Persian dictionary:
Hindi- Persian dictionary contains approximately 5000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary running from right to left which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Persian transliteration of Hindi entries. 4. Persian equivalents of Hindi words. 5.Devanagari transliteration of Persian Equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both of languages in to another's script will enable the user of this dictionary to understand their approximate pronunciation. Price: 230/-, Pages 289.
3) Hindi - Bahasa Indonesia dictionary:
Hindi- Bahasa Indonesia dictionary contains approximately 5000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Indonesian transliteration of Hindi words. 4. Indonesian equivalents of Hindi words. 5.Devanagari Transliteration of Indonesian Equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both of languages in to another's script will enable the user of this dictionary to understand their approximate pronunciation. Price: Rs. 250/-, $ 9.00, £ 29.15, Pages 289
4) Hindi - Nepali dictionary:
Hindi- Nepali dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words are selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are four columns which are in following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category 3. Nepali transliteration of Hindi words 4. Nepali equivalents of Hindi words. Revised and enlarged edition of this dictionary is under preparation.
5) Hindi - Pushto dictionary:
Hindi-Pushto dictionary contains approximately 5000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Pushto transliteration of Hindi words. 4. Pushto equivalents of Hindi words. 5.Devanagari Transliteration of Pushto Equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both of languages in to another's script will enable the user of this dictionary to understand their approximate pronunciation. This dictionary is under publication.
6) Hindi - Sinhala dictionary:
Hindi- Sinhala dictionary contains approximately 5000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Sinhala Transliteration of Hindi words. 4. Sinhala equivalents of Hindi words. 5.Devanagari Transliteration of Sinhala Equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both of languages in to another's script will enable the user of this dictionary to understand their approximate pronunciation. Price: 230/-, Pages 286
7) Hindi - Swahili dictionary:
Hindi- Swahili dictionary contains approximately 5000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Swahili Transliteration of Hindi words. 4. Swahili equivalents of Hindi words. 5.Devanagari Transliteration of Swahili Equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both of languages in to another's script will enable the user of this dictionary to understand their approximate pronunciation. Price: 840/-, $ 20.00, £ 12.12, Pages 342
8) Hindi - Tibetan dictionary:
Hindi- Tibetan dictionary contains approximately 5000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Tibetan Transliteration of Hindi words. 4. Tibetan equivalents of Hindi words. 5.Devanagari Transliteration of Tibetan Equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages in to another's script will enable the user of this dictionary to understand their approximate pronunciation. This dictionary is under publication.
Language Based Dictionary
1) Nepalese - Hindi Dictionary:
Nepalese-Hindi Dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Nepalese words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day to-day life. The main characteristics of the dictionary may be summed up as follows:-main entries in Nepalese language, grammatical categorization of the main entries,Devanagari transliteration with dialectical marks, and Hindi equivalents of Nepali words. Price Rs. 1233, $ 27.219, £ 18.430, Pages 776
2) Bahasa Indonesia - Hindi Dictionary:
Bahasa Indonesia-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Indonesian words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. The main characteristics of the dictionary may be summed up as follows - main entries in Indonesian language, proximate transliteration of Bahasa Indonesia words in Devanagari along-with, grammatical categorization of the main entries, synonym/equivalents of Bahasa Indonesia - words in Hindi and transliteration of Hindi equivalents in Bahasa Indonesia. The transliteration of Bahasa Indonesia words in Devanagari script enables the Hindi knowing readers to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through Hindi phonetics whereas transliteration of Hindi meaning in Roman script facilitates Bahasa Indonesia reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of given Hindi words.
3) Sinhalese - Hindi Dictionary:
Sinhalese-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Sinhalese words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. The main characteristics of the dictionary may be summed up as follows - main entries in Sinhalese language, grammatical categorization of the main entries, proximate transliteration of Sinhalese words in Devanagari, synonym/equivalents of Sinhalese words in Hindi and transliteration of Hindi synonym/equivalents in Sinhalese. The transliteration of Sinhalese words in Devanagari script enables the Hindi knowing readers to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through Hindi phonetics whereas transliteration of Hindi meaning in Sinhalese script facilitates Sinhalese reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of given Hindi words. This dictionary is under publication.
4) Burmese-Hindi Dictionary:
Burmese-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Burmese words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. The main characteristics of the dictionary may be summed up as follows - main entries in Burmese language, proximate transliteration of Burmese words in Devanagari along-with grammatical categorization of the main entries, synonym/equivalents of Burmese words in Hindi and transliteration of Hindi synonym/equivalents in Burmese. The transliteration of Burmese words in Devanagari script enables the Hindi knowing readers to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through Hindi phonetics whereas transliteration of Hindi meaning in Burmese script facilitates Burmese reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of given Hindi words. This dictionary is under publication.
5) Persian- Hindi Dictionary:
Persian-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Persian words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. The main characteristics of the dictionary may be summed up as follows - main entries in Persian language, proximate transliteration of Persian words in Devanagari along-with grammatical categorization of the main entries, synonym/equivalents of Persian words in Hindi and transliteration of Hindi synonym/equivalents in Persian. The transliteration of Persian words in Devanagari script enables the Hindi knowing readers to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through Hindi phonetics whereas transliteration of Hindi meaning in Persian script facilitates Persian reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of given Hindi words. This dictionary is under publication.
6) Pushto-Hindi Dictionary:
Pushto-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Pushto words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. The main characteristics of the dictionary may be summed up as follows - main entries in Pushto language, proximate transliteration of Pushto words in Devanagari along-with grammatical categorization of the main entries, synonym/equivalents of Pushto words in Hindi and transliteration of Hindi synonym/equivalents in Pushto. The transliteration of Pushto words in Devanagari script enables the Hindi knowing readers to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through Hindi phonetics whereas transliteration of Hindi meaning in Pushto script facilitates Pushto reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of given Hindi words. This dictionary is under publication.