Dictionaries Of Regional Languages
I. Multi Lingual Dictionaries
1. Bharatiya Bhasha Kosh:
This dictionary of Indian Languages has been published to familiarize the learned citizens of our country with the rich and common heritage of vocabulary of Indian languages. This Dictionary is in two parts and contains approximately 5000 entries. First part consists of classified words, (in thesaurus style) whereas, the general words in alphabetical order have been given in the second part. Our endeavor has been to avoid duplicacy as far as possible. The format of this dictionary is as follows: 1. Hindi words. 2. Their grammatical category 3. Various shades of meaning of the main entry. Thereafter, in next 13 columns, the synonyms have been given in the following Indian Languages specified in the 8th schedule of the constitution of India namely, Punjabi, Urdu, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bangla, Assamese, Oriya, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada respectively in Devanagari script. Now this Dictionary has been revised and it also includes equivalents of four other Indian languages namely Sanskrit, Konkani, Nepali and Manipuri. Price: Rs. 4138, Pages : 2187. Currently this dictionary is being revised including 22 languages (including Dogri, Bodo, Maithili, Santhali) approved by the constitution. Third edition under publication.
2. Tatsam Shabd Kosh:
Sanskrit is the source Language for the vocabulary of most of the Indian Languages. In the light of this fact, it was decided that a dictionary was to be prepared which helps us to recognize root of the words of these languages. Keeping in view, this objective, the dictionary entitled 'Tatsama Shabda Kosh' was prepared.
'Tatsama Shabda Kosh' contains approximately 1600 entries which are being used in Hindi and other Indian languages as 'Tatsama' words. There are 15 columns in this dictionary. The first column contains Sanskrit (Tatsam) words as basic entries. The second column is of Hindi. Rest of the 13 columns represent parallel word-forms of Sanskrit words being used in the languages specified the eight schedule of the constitution of India, namely Assamese, Oriya, Urdu, Kannada, Kashmiri, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Bangla, Marathi, Malayalam and Sindhi respectively. The Tatsama words as such or their modified forms according to the genre of each language have been given with their major shades of meaning. All the columns are in Devanagari script. Price: Rs. 323, Pages= 657
3. Bhartiya Bhasha Parichay:
It is a consolidated book containing introduction of all twenty two scheduled Indian languages namely Assamese, Oriya, Urdu, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Gujarati, Dogri, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Punjabi, Bangla, Bodo, Manipuri, Marathi, Malayalam, Maithili, Santhali, Sanskrit, Sindhi and Hindi respectively. Linguistic, historic and geographical brief history of these languages has been given in separate articles written by experts on the subject. Price : Rs. 237, Pages : 556
4. Hindi Lekhak Sandarbhika :
Hindi Lekhak Sandarbhika is the new and revised edition of Directorate’s earlier publication ‘Hindi Sahityakar Vivarnika’. It is published with the aim to provide brief professional and creative contribution of various Hindi writers and literator working for the enhancement of Hindi language, along with their personal and family information, at one platform. It provides brief profile of 1198 Hindi writers along with their writing contributions and personal information. On the basis of literary and non-literary Hindi work (original writing, translation and editing work) those Hindi writers are also included in this book whose work is based on subjects other then Hindi literature e.g. Science, Journalism, environment etc. Price Rs. 450, Total pages. 773
Trilingual Dictionaries :
Directorate has taken the work of developing these dictionaries since 1971, After the introduction of "Tri-Language formula" in Indian education system; need of such tri-lingual dictionaries is felt, in which 'Hindi-Regional language-English', words of all three languages are given parallelly in a systematic manner. Thus a person, knowing any one language, approved by the Indian Constitution; can see meaning of a word simultaneously in Hindi and English, both. To achieve the said target, scheme of developing tri-lingual dictionaries (त्रि-भाषा कोश) was initiated.
Purpose behind developing such dictionaries is to make communication between different languages easier for the students, researchers and other users; who are conversant with only one constitutional language.
with the aim to ease linguistic exchange among students, research scholars etc. knowing any of the constitutionally recognized languages, following dictionaries have been prepared/ are being prepared:
Hindi Based Dictionary
1) Hindi-Assamese-English dictionary:
Hindi-Assamese English Dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words are selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Different nuances of Hindi entries. 4. Their Assamese equivalents. 5.Devanagari transliteration of Assamese equivalents. 6. English equivalents of Hindi nuances.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Assamese words. This dictionary is in 3 volumes. Consolidated Price : 2063.00, Total Pages : 2216
2) Hindi-Bangla-English dictionary:
Hindi-Bangla-English Dictionary (in 3 volumes) contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Original entry of Hindi in Devanagari Script 2. Their grammatical category 3. Hindi nuances of the main entry 4. Bangla equivalents of Hindi Words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Bangla equivalents 6. English equivalents of Hindi words.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Bangla words. Price Rs. : 642.00, Total pages : 2216
3) Hindi-Gujarati-English dictionary:
Hindi-Gujarati-English Dictionary (in 3 volumes) contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words in Devanagari Script 2. Their grammatical category 3. Hindi nuances of the main entry 4. Gujarati equivalents of Hindi Words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Gujarati equivalents 6. English equivalents of Hindi words. Devanagari transliteration of Gujarati equivalents enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Gujarati words. Price Rs. : 464.00, Total pages : 2216
4) Hindi-Kannada-English dictionary:
Hindi-Kannada-English dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words are selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Different nuances of entries 4. Kannada equivalents of Hindi nuances 5.Devanagari transliteration of Kannada equivalents, 6. English equivalents of Hindi nuances.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Kannada words. The dictionary is in 3 volumes. Revised edition of this dictionary is published. Consolidated price : 1795.00, Total pages : 2216
5) Hindi-Kashmiri-English dictionary:
Hindi-Kashmiri-English Dictionary (in 3 volumes) contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Original entry of Hindi in Devanagari Script 2. Their grammatical category 3. Hindi nuances of the main entry 4. Kashmiri equivalents of Hindi Words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Kashmiri equivalents 6. English equivalents of Hindi words.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Kashmiri words. Price Rs. : 641.00, Total pages : 2216
6) Hindi-Malyalam-English dictionary:
Hindi-Malyalam-English Dictionary (in 3 volumes) contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns in this dictionary which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words in Devanagari Script 2. Their grammatical category 3. Hindi nuances of the main entry 4. Malyalam equivalents of Hindi Words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Malyalam equivalents 6. English equivalents of Hindi words.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Malyalam words. Price Rs. : 464.00, Total pages : 2216
7) Hindi-Marathi-English dictionary:
Hindi-Marathi-English dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their Grammatical category. 3. Hindi nuances of the main entry. 4. Marathi equivalents of Hindi words. 5. Their English equivalents. This dictionary has been published in 3 volumes. Price: Rs. 1,424.00, Total pages : 2216
8) Hindi-Punjabi-English dictionary:
Hindi-Punjabi-English dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Punjabi words as main entries. These words are selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Different nuances of main entries. 4. Their Punjabi equivalents. 5.Devanagari transliteration of Punjabi equivalents. 6. English equivalents of Hindi words.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Punjabi words. This dictionary has been published in 3 volumes. Consolidated price Rs. 1954.00, Total Pages: 2216
9) Hindi-Sindhi-English dictionary:
Hindi-Sindhi-English Dictionary (in 3 volumes) contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi entry in Devanagari Script 2. Their grammatical category 3. Hindi nuances of the main entry 4. Sindhi equivalents of Hindi Words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Sindhi equivalents 6. English equivalents of Hindi words.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Sindhi words. Price Rs. : 631.00, Total pages : 2216
10) Hindi-Tamil-English dictionary:
Hindi-Tamil-English Dictionary (in 3 volumes) contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as a main entry 2. Their grammatical category 3. Hindi nuances of the main entry 4. Tamil equivalents of Hindi Words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Tamil equivalents 6. English equivalents of Hindi words.Devanagari transliteration enables
the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Tamil words. Price Rs. : 464.00, Total pages : 2216
11) Hindi – Bodo – English Dictionary:
It contains approximately 20,000 entries of Hindi as main entries. Selection of words is based mainly of their usage in daily life. There are four columns in this dictionary in following orders: 1. Hindi word as main entry 2. Grammatical Category 3. Bodo synonym 4. English synonym. Bodo synonyms are given in Devanagari script. Price – 572 & Page - 706
Language Based Dictionary
Gujarati-Hindi-English dictionary:
Gujarati - Hindi - English Dictionary (in 3 volumes) contains approximately 20,000 Gujarati words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Gujarati words as main entries 2. TheirDevanagari transliteration 3. Their grammatical category 4. Gujarati nuances of the main entry 5. Hindi equivalents of Gujarati words 6. English equivalents of Gujarati words.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Gujarati words. Price Rs. : 1270.00, Total pages : 4386
Bangla-Hindi-English dictionary:
Bangla - Hindi - English Dictionary (in 3 volumes) contains approximately 25,000 Bangla words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order. 1. Original entry in Bangla 2. Their grammatical category 3.Devanagari transliteration of Bangla word 4. Bangla nuances of the main entry 5. Hindi equivalents of Bangla words 6. English equivalents of Bangla words.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Bangla words. Price Rs. : 2982.00, Total pages : 2129
Marathi-Hindi-English dictionary:
Marathi-Hindi-English dictionary (in 2 volumes) contains approximately 20,000 Marathi words as main entries. These words are selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns, which are in the following order: 1. Marathi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Marathi nuances of the main entry 4. Their Hindi equivalents 5. Their English equivalents. Consolidated Price Rs. : 726.00 Total Page : 2365
Tamil-Hindi-English dictionary:
Tamil - Hindi - English Dictionary (in 2 volumes) contains approximately 20,000 Tamil words as main entries in
Tamil script. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are six columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Tamil words as main entries 2.Devanagari transliteration of Tamil words 3. Their grammatical category 4. Tamil nuances of the main entry 5. Hindi equivalents of Tamil words 6. English equivalents of Tamil words.Devanagari transliteration enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the Tamil words. Price Rs. : 385.00, Total pages : 2131
Compilation and publication of dictionaries
Bi-Lingual Dictionary or "Vyavharik Laghu Kosh"
Dictionary Committee recommended to develop the dictionaries of all the languages; included in the 8th schedule of the Indian Constitution, except Sanskrit. It was decided that, there will be 13 Hindi based (हिंदी मूलक) dictionaries and 13 regional language based (क्षेत्रीय-भाषा मूलक) dictionaries.
In 1977, work on this scheme started. As the complete estimation of the gravity of the work was not possible so, no dictionary was published until 1980. Limit of ten thousand words was decided for such dictionaries. Vocabulary in the Hindi
based dictionaries (हिंदी मूलक कोश) are from the directorate and in regional language based dictionaries (क्षेत्रीय भाषा-मूलक कोश); translation of linguistic synonyms has been given respectively in the scripts of target Language (लक्ष्य भाषा) and original language (मूल भाषा), both. Thus, even a person, unfamiliar with other script can also use these dictionaries conveniently
Bi-Lingual Dictionaries:
These dictionaries are Hindi/ Regional language based dictionaries. Following dictionaries have been prepared/ are being prepared with
the aim of apprising Hindi world of regional languages and vice-versa.
Hindi Based Dictionary
1) Hindi-Assamese dictionary:
Hindi-Assamese dictionary contains approximately 10,000 Hindi words. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Assamese transliteration of Hindi words 4. Assamese equivalents of Hindi words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Assamese equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price : Rs. 109.00, Pages : 436
2) Hindi-Gujarati dictionary:
Hindi-Gujarati dictionary contains approximately 10,000 entries of Hindi words. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Gujarati transliteration of Hindi words 4. Gujarati equivalents of Hindi words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Gujarati equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price : Rs. 291.00, Pages : 383
3) Hindi-Kashmiri dictionary:
Hindi-Kashmiri dictionary contains approximately 10,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Kashmiri transliteration of Hindi words 4. Kashmiri equivalents of Hindi words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Kashmiri equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price : Rs. 126.00, Pages : 395
4) Hindi-Marathi dictionary:
Hindi-Marathi dictionary contains approximately 10,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are three
columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Marathi equivalents of Hindi words. TheDevanagari transliteration of Marathi equivalents are not given as the script of Marathi language isDevanagari itself. Price : Rs. 88.00, Pages : 268
5)Hindi-Malyalam dictionary:
Hindi-Malyalam dictionary contains approximately 10,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Malyalam transliteration of Hindi words 4. Malyalam equivalents of Hindi words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Malyalam equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price : Rs. 88.00, Pages : 386
6) Hindi-Sindhi dictionary:
Hindi-Sindhi dictionary contains approximately 10,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Sindhi transliteration of Hindi words 4. Sindhi equivalents of Hindi words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Sindhi equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price : Rs. 88.00, Pages : 447
7) Hindi-Tamil dictionary:
Hindi-Tamil Dictionary contains approximately 10,000 entries in Hindi. Entries are selected on the basis of the usages of words in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary which are in following order: 1. Original entries in Hindi 2. Their Grammatical category 3. Tamil Transliteration of Hindi entries 4. Tamil equivalents of Hindi entries 5.Devanagari transliteration of Tamil equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the users of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price Rs. 125.00, Pages : 388
8) Hindi-Telugu dictionary:
Hindi-Telugu Dictionary contains approximately 10,000 words as main entries. These words are selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Telugu transliteration of Hindi words 4. Telugu equivalents of Hindi words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Telugu equivalents. The
reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the users of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price : Rs. 1115.00, Pages : 658
9) Hindi-Urdu dictionary:
Hindi-Urdu dictionary contains approximately 10,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Urdu (Persian-Arabic) transliteration of Hindi entries 4. Urdu equivalents of (in Persian-Arabic script) Hindi words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Urdu equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price : Rs. 390.00, Pages : 386
10) Hindi-Oriya dictionary:
Hindi-Oriya dictionary contains approximately 10,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Oriya transliteration of Hindi words 4. Oriya equivalents of Hindi words 5.Devanagari transliteration of Oriya equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price : Rs. 88.00, Pages : 424
11. Vyavharik Hindi-English Shabd-Kosh:
It has approximately 7000 main entries in Hindi language, which includes words of different genre of Hindi literature, humanities, administrative, Science, Computer etc. There are four columns in this dictionary which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Roman Transliteration of Hindi words 3. Their grammatical category 4. English equivalents of Hindi words. Price : Rs. 475.00, $ 12, £ 7, Pages : 678
12. Hindi-Maithili Dictionary:
Hindi-Maithili Dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are three columns in this dictionary which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Maithili equivalents of Hindi words. The reciprocal translation of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. This dictionary is under preparation.
13. Hindi-Dogri Dictionary:
There are approximately 20,000 words of Hindi Language as main entries. Dogri words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are three columns which are in the following order 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Devanagari transliteration of Dogri equivalents.(under Publication)
Bi-Lingual - Language Based Dictionary
1) Malyalam-Hindi dictionary:
Malyalam-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 10,000 words of Malyalam as basic entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Malyalam words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3.Devanagari transliteration of Malyalam words 4. Hindi equivalents of Malyalam words 5. Malyalam transliteration of Hindi equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price : Rs. 215.00, Pages : 641
2) Urdu-Hindi dictionary:
Urdu-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 10,000 words of Urdu as basic entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Urdu words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3.Devanagari transliteration of Urdu words 4. Hindi equivalents of Urdu words 5. Urdu transliteration of Hindi equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price Rs:166.00
3) Oriya-Hindi dictionary:
Oriya-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 10,000 words of Oriya as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Oriya words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3.Devanagari transliteration of Oriya words 4. Hindi equivalents of Oriya words 5. Oriya transliteration of Hindi equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price Rs: 196.00, Total Pages:-590
4) Punjabi-Hindi dictionary:
Punjabi-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 50,000 entries of Punjabi words. Punjabi words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, which are in the following order: 1. Punjabi words as main entries 2.Devanagari transliteration of Punjabi words 3. Their grammatical category 4. Hindi equivalents of Punjabi words. 5. Punjabi transliteration of Hindi equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price Rs:757.00
5) Gujarati-Hindi dictionary:
Gujarati-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 20,000 entries of Gujarati words. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. This dictionary contains five columns, the format of which is in the following order: 1. Gujarati words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3.Devanagari transliteration of Gujarati words 4. Hindi equivalents of Gujarati words. 5. Gujarati transliteration of Hindi equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. This dictionary is under publication.
6) Kashmiri-Hindi dictionary:
Kashmiri-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 10,000 entries of Kashmiri words. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. This dictionary contains five columns, the format of which is in the following order: 1. Kashmiri words as main entries. 2. Their grammatical category 3.Devanagari transliteration of Kashmiri words 4. Hindi equivalents of Kashmiri words 5. Kashmiri transliteration of Hindi equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. This dictionary is under publication.
7) Tamil-Hindi dictionary:
Tamil-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 20,000 entries of Tamil words. Tamil words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. There are five columns in this dictionary, the format of which is in the following order: 1. Tamil words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Hindi equivalents of Tamil words 4.Devanagari transliteration of Tamil words 5. Tamil transliteration of Hindi equivalents. The reciprocal transliteration of words of both the languages enables the user of this dictionary to understand the nearest pronunciation of the words of the language which they do not know. Price Rs: 343.00, Total Pages:-674